House Fire

House Fire

Dear Nik, Matt, Ross, Kelly, Traci (and everyone else at Michigan Fire Claims),

It’s hard to believe that it has been 2 years since we were first introduced as a result of our house fire on July 3rd, 2012. Since our claim has now been officially closed and we’ve had the chance to settle into our home again, we wanted to take this opportunity to offer our sincerest thanks for helping us through the entire insurance claim process.

As you may remember, we had purchased our home (brand new) in November of 2011 and had only lived there 8 months when the lightning strike and subsequent fire occurred. Then, as if the fire wasn’t bad enough, our house was flooded just three weeks later by inept crews performing demolition and cleanup. We were given many excuses and misinformation by companies that were originally hired to help us, we were sued by one of these companies, and we had to move 4 times in the year we were out of our house – to name just a few of the challenges we were forced to deal with. It was difficult, stressful, and overwhelming to say the least.

Looking back, we are absolutely convinced we would not have had the same positive results had you not been there to guide and support us, and more importantly to be our advocate when things got tough (which was often). In particular, we would like to recognize and thank Ross and Kelly for allowing us to send many emails and texts, for taking our phone calls to help answer our seemingly never-ending questions, and for guiding us in the best way possible – both are absolute professionals in every sense of the word. We can’t thank you enough for giving us your time, expertise and a well-timed hug or joke when we needed it most.

A little over two years later, we are back in our home – at peace and happy. Our claim is over and our life is back to normal. Our re-built house looks beautiful too. All of this would not be possible had Michigan Fire Claims not been there to ensure we were being treated properly by our insurance company and by our contractors.

Please feel free to use this letter as a positive testimonial to your services and also do not hesitate to contact us if you want to use us as a referral. We’d be happy to reciprocate any way we can.

Finally, we are including some before and after photos that we thought you might appreciate. Thank you again for everything!!!

With our deepest gratitude,